I am back!
Yes, I am back blogging! While I am living at my grandparents for the next two and a half weeks, this is what I will do!
Momma & Poppa are over in China now, and should get up in an hour! So I'll inform all of you on her blog! They will get little Molly Jayne on Sunday evening, which is Monday morning over there.
While they are traveling across the world, Carson and I are in the Midwest. We are having PLENTY of quality time together. (: But our cousins are coming to visit almost everyday, that way Carson isn't too bored!
But, it is almost dinner time! And I have dance later tonight, so check my mom's blog for more updates! I'll inform you all with what Carson and I are doing. (:
Have a good rest of the week!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I am the WORST blogger ever! It has been over a month since I have last. No worries, I am still alive and well! (: But, life is crazy! Only two more weeks of school, my aunt's wedding this weekend, and so on. I will be back during the summer, I PROMISE! 10th grade is just getting the better end of me, seriously! It's almost over, THANK YOU JESUS! (:
Oh, and if you have not read this on my momma's blog, WE GOT OUR LOA FOR MOLLY JAYNE!(: Ahhhh, 7 - 9 weeks til the princess arrives! YAYYY!
Be back in a few weeks!
I am the WORST blogger ever! It has been over a month since I have last. No worries, I am still alive and well! (: But, life is crazy! Only two more weeks of school, my aunt's wedding this weekend, and so on. I will be back during the summer, I PROMISE! 10th grade is just getting the better end of me, seriously! It's almost over, THANK YOU JESUS! (:
Oh, and if you have not read this on my momma's blog, WE GOT OUR LOA FOR MOLLY JAYNE!(: Ahhhh, 7 - 9 weeks til the princess arrives! YAYYY!
Be back in a few weeks!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Well it has been a long time...
Since I've blogged last. And I apologize, life is too crazy right now! I've had dance 24/7 because we leave for Worlds on Friday! That's right, Friday morning my mom and I will be enjoying a nice SHORT flight, compared to the China one, and relaxing in the hot sun. (: With a dance competition in the middle of course!
Once we get back from Disney, I PROMISE I will blog more! Especially Disney photos! (: I'll be back next Tuesday, so stay tuned...
Since I've blogged last. And I apologize, life is too crazy right now! I've had dance 24/7 because we leave for Worlds on Friday! That's right, Friday morning my mom and I will be enjoying a nice SHORT flight, compared to the China one, and relaxing in the hot sun. (: With a dance competition in the middle of course!
Once we get back from Disney, I PROMISE I will blog more! Especially Disney photos! (: I'll be back next Tuesday, so stay tuned...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Well as of now, I'm on SPRING BREAK! Woo-hoo! I made it through the week full of exams and stress and now have a week off to enjoy. Although all my friends are away to the sunny states, I'm stuck here in the cold, rainy state. I hate living in the Midwest sometimes. Haha (:
And.... 3 MORE WEEKS TIL DISNEY! Yahoo! (:
Well as of now, I'm on SPRING BREAK! Woo-hoo! I made it through the week full of exams and stress and now have a week off to enjoy. Although all my friends are away to the sunny states, I'm stuck here in the cold, rainy state. I hate living in the Midwest sometimes. Haha (:
And.... 3 MORE WEEKS TIL DISNEY! Yahoo! (:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Superhero Party and Daydreaming...
As promised, here are some pictures from last nights festivities with Carson! (: You may have seen on my mom's blog how I make purple pancakes. Well last night, I switched to green pancakes for the Hulk, of course!
The batter and finished product

Why not eat Hulk pancakes on Spiderman and Transformer plates? It's a superhero party, after all!

I tried being crafty, and made one look like the Hulk. Too bad it was a disaster! haha (:
Last night, my parents went to a party for my mom's work. They headed downtown to a fancy restaurant and a fun filled night. But, they did have to make themselves look nice. And if I say so myself, they did a pretty fancy job! (:
The night came to an end, I turned on Shrek 2 and we rested on the couch. I had an awful headache and went to bed as soon as my parents got home, which was around like 10 o'clock, ON A FRIDAY NIGHT! What is wrong with me? Most teenagers are out with friends, instead I'm home partying with a pretty cool five year old. Ahhh, my life is so much better than most. (:
Now for the daydreaming portion! Lately, I've been daydreaming A LOT! Mostly in school though, sorry mom! Anyways, I've been daydreaming the most about going to China again. I guess with things coming closer and closer to Little Miss Princess, I'm getting so excited.
The one thing I cannot wait to go back to China for is Guangzhou. I LOVED it there, and if needed to, I would move there in a heartbeat. Something about that place just makes me feel like I'm on vacation.
So I went through old pictures of my momma's to find pictures around Guangzhou. I'm hoping that we get to go there in the next few months.
I always would laugh at these people dancing in the street, maybe next time I'll join them. (;
I just love this picture for some reason, I have no idea why, it's just my favorite.
I also love this picture. It reminds me of the night we went to this restaurant by the river, singing the Titanic theme song to Carson and eating french toast. May sound silly to most, but it was probably the most fun night we had there.
Lastly, our hotel. This hotel was one of the nicest I've stayed in. It reminds me of home, and was just like living in an apartment. (:

Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend! I probably won't be on here this week due to exams, but the week after is SPRING BREAKKKKK!(: AH! Then DISNEY! I'll post before then though. I'm ending with my favorite picture of Little Miss, she's just so cute and I cannot wait to get her!
I'm guessing she is saying "Peace Out!" hahaha (:
As promised, here are some pictures from last nights festivities with Carson! (: You may have seen on my mom's blog how I make purple pancakes. Well last night, I switched to green pancakes for the Hulk, of course!
The batter and finished product
Why not eat Hulk pancakes on Spiderman and Transformer plates? It's a superhero party, after all!
I tried being crafty, and made one look like the Hulk. Too bad it was a disaster! haha (:
Now for the daydreaming portion! Lately, I've been daydreaming A LOT! Mostly in school though, sorry mom! Anyways, I've been daydreaming the most about going to China again. I guess with things coming closer and closer to Little Miss Princess, I'm getting so excited.
The one thing I cannot wait to go back to China for is Guangzhou. I LOVED it there, and if needed to, I would move there in a heartbeat. Something about that place just makes me feel like I'm on vacation.
So I went through old pictures of my momma's to find pictures around Guangzhou. I'm hoping that we get to go there in the next few months.
I always would laugh at these people dancing in the street, maybe next time I'll join them. (;
Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend! I probably won't be on here this week due to exams, but the week after is SPRING BREAKKKKK!(: AH! Then DISNEY! I'll post before then though. I'm ending with my favorite picture of Little Miss, she's just so cute and I cannot wait to get her!

Friday, March 27, 2009
The Randoms...
I have noticed that I don't have many followers, so tonight I'm on a hunt! So people don't think I'm a crazy person, I thought I should share some random facts about me. So here we go,
- I am one of the shortest people I know
- I hope to one day adopt several children from China, or anywhere else
- I love reading other family blogs and reading their stories
- Some of those blogs inspire me
- I have three best friends who are there for me, Kelsey, my mom, and Patrick
- I LOVE driving now, especially in my new car (;
- I do not like high school, at all
- I am told that I look like a boy sometimes because I prefer to be comfortable then look like all the other girls. (:
There are so many other things I could say, but not enough room! So for those who don't know me, and I become a follower, no fear! I simply just want to find more blogs which I will love reading. (:
More tonight about the party the brother and I had today!
I have noticed that I don't have many followers, so tonight I'm on a hunt! So people don't think I'm a crazy person, I thought I should share some random facts about me. So here we go,
- I am one of the shortest people I know
- I hope to one day adopt several children from China, or anywhere else
- I love reading other family blogs and reading their stories
- Some of those blogs inspire me
- I have three best friends who are there for me, Kelsey, my mom, and Patrick
- I LOVE driving now, especially in my new car (;
- I do not like high school, at all
- I am told that I look like a boy sometimes because I prefer to be comfortable then look like all the other girls. (:
There are so many other things I could say, but not enough room! So for those who don't know me, and I become a follower, no fear! I simply just want to find more blogs which I will love reading. (:
More tonight about the party the brother and I had today!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
By the Way...
...Meggie is the proud owner of a CAR! (This is her Mom blogging on her behalf...she is currently sleeping, actually, and has no idea I hacked onto her blog.)
I'll leave the telling of the story to her...or you can check out the March 21st post on my blog if you're truly interested...but at least thought I'd post a couple of pics of her Hyundai Accent...

...and how FABULOUS she looks behind the wheel of it!
OK, I'm done.
Wonder how long it'll take her to figure out I did this...??
...Meggie is the proud owner of a CAR! (This is her Mom blogging on her behalf...she is currently sleeping, actually, and has no idea I hacked onto her blog.)
I'll leave the telling of the story to her...or you can check out the March 21st post on my blog if you're truly interested...but at least thought I'd post a couple of pics of her Hyundai Accent...
OK, I'm done.
Wonder how long it'll take her to figure out I did this...??
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Fairytale Night, Without Prince Charming
Last night, we had a team bonding/party type of thing. It was a princess party! We all had to wear fancy dresses and look nice, compared to the outfits we wear to dance with messy ponytails.
Before the party, Kelsey invited me over to get ready with her. It took us over two hours to get all dolled up, plus the stuff I did at home before I left. For entertaining purposes, we decided to take a before and after picture! (:
Disgusted with our looks....
And after... we got bored in Chick-fil-a's parking lot so decided to take this.

We then headed over to Lisa's house, our coach's friend, who happens to live in a mansion! Well, not really, but it is the most expensive neighborhood out here. When we arrived, the cameras were taken out and smiles were ready!
The Black Dress Crew: me, DJ, Kelsey, and Meg
Tory, Allison, Morgan, and Toria
Meg and I
Most of the team: Me, Morgan, Tory, DJ, Kelsey, Allison, Meg, Toria, Josie
The baby of the team, Josie (:
Okay, this is Lisa's dog, Coach. Coach is not the size of your average dog, its more like Big Foots little brother. It was almost as tall as me, and slobbered EVERYWHERE! Gross!
The team, minus Meaghan, and our Coach (in the purple)
Toria and I
The sundae toppings! Notice the notes, 'DJ - don't eat!'

Everybody's favorite senior, DJ, modeling the do not eat sprinkles! She's deathly allergic to peanuts, and daddy didn't read the label very carefully! haha

More pictures were taken, talking, and the anxious wait to see the basement! As we walked down the stairs, we heard Disney princess songs playing, and saw this...
I must say, the decorating crew did a fabulous job! My place setting...

We then were crowned princesses, with lovely colorful rings. Tory, to my left was the first crowned, then it was my turn. I was quite nervous to hear what Morgan would say about me, considering I am the one who everyone loves. Haha! Actually, she talked about my sarcasm, my hard-working attitude, and my crazy times. So here I am, becoming Princess Meggie the first! (:
Princess DJ, the senior
Princess Morgan
Princess Toria
Princess Meg
I was not able to get a picture of everyone, but life goes on. Ha, after dinner, we changed into our sweats and got our surprise! We decorated sweatpants for Worlds, watched a movie, and had desserts.
Here is little Josie's birthday cake, we call her Barbie since she is her twin!
The birthday girl with her twin...
The clock struck 11 o'clock, and it was time to head home before the magic wore off. This is how Josie, Arielle, and I headed home, our bum clothes and high heels. (:
It was an amazing night, and I cannot wait until the next team bonding! Plus, a little over a month until our crazy, wild, and super excited team heads to DISNEY! AHHHH! Hopefully a few weeks after that, I get to meet the next little princess entering our family. (:
More pictures coming soon, but I have dance 3-6 today and Graduation Tests all week long! Plus a competition this weekend coming up, when will I have a break?!
Here are pictures of our surprises.
This is the back of our sweatpants, the front right leg has a star on it
This shirt might be offensive to some, according to my mother, but it is a joke between the team.
We've begged for these shirts since the beginning of the season.
the front
the back
Last night, we had a team bonding/party type of thing. It was a princess party! We all had to wear fancy dresses and look nice, compared to the outfits we wear to dance with messy ponytails.
Before the party, Kelsey invited me over to get ready with her. It took us over two hours to get all dolled up, plus the stuff I did at home before I left. For entertaining purposes, we decided to take a before and after picture! (:
We then headed over to Lisa's house, our coach's friend, who happens to live in a mansion! Well, not really, but it is the most expensive neighborhood out here. When we arrived, the cameras were taken out and smiles were ready!
The Black Dress Crew: me, DJ, Kelsey, and Meg
Everybody's favorite senior, DJ, modeling the do not eat sprinkles! She's deathly allergic to peanuts, and daddy didn't read the label very carefully! haha
More pictures were taken, talking, and the anxious wait to see the basement! As we walked down the stairs, we heard Disney princess songs playing, and saw this...
We then were crowned princesses, with lovely colorful rings. Tory, to my left was the first crowned, then it was my turn. I was quite nervous to hear what Morgan would say about me, considering I am the one who everyone loves. Haha! Actually, she talked about my sarcasm, my hard-working attitude, and my crazy times. So here I am, becoming Princess Meggie the first! (:
Here is little Josie's birthday cake, we call her Barbie since she is her twin!
More pictures coming soon, but I have dance 3-6 today and Graduation Tests all week long! Plus a competition this weekend coming up, when will I have a break?!
Here are pictures of our surprises.
This is the back of our sweatpants, the front right leg has a star on it
We've begged for these shirts since the beginning of the season.
the front
Friday, March 6, 2009
Good Golly Gosh!
I want to apologize for my absence. Even though most people don't read my blog, I still love posting on here! I feel like my mother now, since she never blogs anymore! (or it seems like it!)
Anyways, I have been stressed beyond belief with school! Dance is becoming more hectic, and MORE dramatic. I mean c'mon people, the studio is about to turn into a flippin' war zone! Geeze... but on the plus side, I got my grades today! Its only interms though, take a look: (;
History - 93% (A)
Child Development - 91% (B+)
Physical Science - 85% (B)
English - 91% (B+)
Fine Art - 95% (A)
Geometry - 94% (A)
I was so excited, but so frustrated with those 91%! I only needed to get a 93% for an A, but nooooooo, my school would rather put me into more stress and frustration!
Last weekend I had a dance competition and we did very well. Our jazz got a platinum and first place overall for our division, and our tap got a platinum as well, and second overall for our division. Not only did I dance, but I was able to watch and catch up with my old dance studio! I was so happy to see everyone, considering I've known them since I was 3 and danced with them until I was 12, but I got to see my childhood and current best friend Lauren. (And Missy, of course!) My mom and Missy were acting like little dorks together, but we all had fun catching up, cheering each other on, and pigging out at Applebee's after the evening. And let's not forget our photoshoot in the freezing cold! (Pictures soon!)
Anyways, I am starting to freak out more with OGT's coming up, exams at the end of the month, going to Florida, and going to China sooner or later. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! TOOO MUCH! hahaha I'll post pictures later, if I ever have time to!
Here are some photos of the coolest kids on the block! (:

We get bored at dads office, especially chasing each other around cubicals! But, my mom will blog about that one soon, if not I'll hunt her down! (:
Have a great weekend!
I want to apologize for my absence. Even though most people don't read my blog, I still love posting on here! I feel like my mother now, since she never blogs anymore! (or it seems like it!)
Anyways, I have been stressed beyond belief with school! Dance is becoming more hectic, and MORE dramatic. I mean c'mon people, the studio is about to turn into a flippin' war zone! Geeze... but on the plus side, I got my grades today! Its only interms though, take a look: (;
History - 93% (A)
Child Development - 91% (B+)
Physical Science - 85% (B)
English - 91% (B+)
Fine Art - 95% (A)
Geometry - 94% (A)
I was so excited, but so frustrated with those 91%! I only needed to get a 93% for an A, but nooooooo, my school would rather put me into more stress and frustration!
Last weekend I had a dance competition and we did very well. Our jazz got a platinum and first place overall for our division, and our tap got a platinum as well, and second overall for our division. Not only did I dance, but I was able to watch and catch up with my old dance studio! I was so happy to see everyone, considering I've known them since I was 3 and danced with them until I was 12, but I got to see my childhood and current best friend Lauren. (And Missy, of course!) My mom and Missy were acting like little dorks together, but we all had fun catching up, cheering each other on, and pigging out at Applebee's after the evening. And let's not forget our photoshoot in the freezing cold! (Pictures soon!)
Anyways, I am starting to freak out more with OGT's coming up, exams at the end of the month, going to Florida, and going to China sooner or later. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! TOOO MUCH! hahaha I'll post pictures later, if I ever have time to!
Here are some photos of the coolest kids on the block! (:
Have a great weekend!
Monday, February 16, 2009
ATJ Allstars YOU are Jamfest National Champions!
Where do we get to go next?!

DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!! (:
I am so excited that my dance team is getting the honor to go to Worlds! Worlds is like the Olympics for dance and is hopefully to be in the Olympics in the near future. And both jazz and hip hop received an invitation and a bid to go, which is HUGE! Especially for being a first year team! Pretty impressive, huh? (;
After a longgggggg weekend competition, we deserved every bit of this! I'll post pictures and videos sooner or later, just thought I'd share with you all! (: I'M SO STINKING EXCITED! WOOT WOOT!
Where do we get to go next?!

DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!! (:
I am so excited that my dance team is getting the honor to go to Worlds! Worlds is like the Olympics for dance and is hopefully to be in the Olympics in the near future. And both jazz and hip hop received an invitation and a bid to go, which is HUGE! Especially for being a first year team! Pretty impressive, huh? (;
After a longgggggg weekend competition, we deserved every bit of this! I'll post pictures and videos sooner or later, just thought I'd share with you all! (: I'M SO STINKING EXCITED! WOOT WOOT!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Oh Mother...
My poor mother is living up to her becoming an old lady...
So today we went to Target, because we haven't been there in almost a week! Gasp! Anyways, we were going there because I needed some 'retail therapy' and my poor brother needs clothes. He has none due to my cleaning of his closet yesterday!(:
So, we go to the toddler section and look around, nothing is really calling out to us. But we did get Molly two more dresses, a cute shirt, and the matching jacket to a pair of pants we already bought. I need help, I cannot go somewhere without shopping for my dear sister.
Getting to the point! So we walk around some more, run into some old friends, and find some 100 calorie snacks. We walk back and get something, and head to the check out. We passed the snacks again, and this happens....
"Mom, should we get another box?"
"Why? Did we eat them all?"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! We picked up the first box like ten minutes before, how did I have time to eat all of those? My poor mother, she is in pain from her 'Nemo fin' as I call it, and she claims she was "delirious!" Yeah right, we all know the truth, right? (;
Friday, February 6, 2009
Has it Really Been 4 Days?!
I feel like it has been FOREVER since I last blogged, but I did on Monday! Well, this week has not been a good one for myself. I woke up Wednesday at 3 in the morning and I'm sure you know what happened, thank goodness we had a snow day so I didn't miss any school! But, the bug has been with me still and I do not feel all that better!
I know you all want to hear/see about my sock addiction, yet I am just not motivated to go upstairs and dig all my socks out for a picture... so I'll choose another topic. Oh I got an idea! My addiction to shopping for little Miss Molly!
Many people think that I love shopping for myself, probably because we go to Target at least once every two weeks! Its sad, really, but totally worth it! But I hate, hate, HATE shopping for myself because of my height issues and lack of patience. It is very rare that I find anything I like while shopping, and usually the trips to the mall turn out like this....
This was taken right around Christmas 2007, and as you can tell we were having a real blast! NOT. haha (:
My solution to my shopping issue? Shop for others, of course! With mommy and daddy's credit cards, too! How dare I spend my own money! Haha, but recently I cannot stop looking at stuff online for my little sister!
My mom and I always have such a grand time shopping for the little princess, and I'm not exaggerating on the princess title! Go look in her closet, better yet, I'll take a photo of it soon! The child has more clothes than I do, and that is A LOT! But we don't want the little cutie to be naked, do we? HECK NO! So we buy her anything I want, after all, I'm the original princess of the house and need to have one to train!
Now, after talking about Molly, you're probably wondering, what about Carson?! Well, you see, boys just are not fun to shop for! They don't wear cute little dresses, hair bows, and sparkly shoes! (Well, maybe some do!) So, I don't find shopping for boys fun. No offense little brother, you're still my favorite Chinese brother!(:
In other news, my mother complains that I do not have enough pictures on here. Partially because all of my pictures are on the dinosaur computer, and I like using her laptop better! Maybe she should buy me one for China, eh?!(: So, I will start posting more pictures on here just to make my momma happier.
Hope you all have a fun and HEALTHY weekend, it seems like ours will just be a fun one. ):
I feel like it has been FOREVER since I last blogged, but I did on Monday! Well, this week has not been a good one for myself. I woke up Wednesday at 3 in the morning and I'm sure you know what happened, thank goodness we had a snow day so I didn't miss any school! But, the bug has been with me still and I do not feel all that better!
I know you all want to hear/see about my sock addiction, yet I am just not motivated to go upstairs and dig all my socks out for a picture... so I'll choose another topic. Oh I got an idea! My addiction to shopping for little Miss Molly!
Many people think that I love shopping for myself, probably because we go to Target at least once every two weeks! Its sad, really, but totally worth it! But I hate, hate, HATE shopping for myself because of my height issues and lack of patience. It is very rare that I find anything I like while shopping, and usually the trips to the mall turn out like this....
My solution to my shopping issue? Shop for others, of course! With mommy and daddy's credit cards, too! How dare I spend my own money! Haha, but recently I cannot stop looking at stuff online for my little sister!
My mom and I always have such a grand time shopping for the little princess, and I'm not exaggerating on the princess title! Go look in her closet, better yet, I'll take a photo of it soon! The child has more clothes than I do, and that is A LOT! But we don't want the little cutie to be naked, do we? HECK NO! So we buy her anything I want, after all, I'm the original princess of the house and need to have one to train!
Now, after talking about Molly, you're probably wondering, what about Carson?! Well, you see, boys just are not fun to shop for! They don't wear cute little dresses, hair bows, and sparkly shoes! (Well, maybe some do!) So, I don't find shopping for boys fun. No offense little brother, you're still my favorite Chinese brother!(:
In other news, my mother complains that I do not have enough pictures on here. Partially because all of my pictures are on the dinosaur computer, and I like using her laptop better! Maybe she should buy me one for China, eh?!(: So, I will start posting more pictures on here just to make my momma happier.
Hope you all have a fun and HEALTHY weekend, it seems like ours will just be a fun one. ):
Monday, February 2, 2009

Due to the fact that I have been blogging for about three days, I was shocked when Ms. Peggy told me that she had given me an award!
Here are the rules to receive this award:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find friends and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
MY OH MY! I'm super excited, and made my day a million times better after a hard decision. You can read about it on my mom's blog. Today was a difficult, yet rewarding day in our household.
I do not really know who to give this award to, mostly because the people I would give it to were already awarded with it and because I have to go read part of a book we started today. So how about I give it to all my fellow readers? You all deserve it!(:
On another note... due to my addiction to blogging already (yes, it has only been 3 DAYS! haha) I decided to delete my Facebook and Myspace. I am a free woman, and now have all my time to spend it here on the bloggy world. (: I have so many things to post, I don't know what to do next!
Here is a list of ideas, tell me what you want to know:
- my love for socks
- my future plans
- my addiction for shopping for little Molly
- a letter to both my brother and sister
- the family love for Target!
But for now, I'm off to do homework, shower, help Carson with his homework, talk with my mom for support, and to watch Jon & Kate Plus Eight!!!!(: I cannot express my excitement to the new episodes for this show. Have a good night!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Adventure of the Night!
Dedicated to Chris Anderson (:
So, as you all know, it is Super Bowl Sunday! And usually, there are parties where the men yell at the television, the women talk about everything, and the children destroy the house. You all know what I'm talking about, right?
Well, today I had to start the day off with a 'mock competition' with my dance team. You go in the room, dance in full costume, and get judged by your teachers. Did I mention you had to PAY to dance in front of the teachers you dance for every week? Yes, it is bologna and selfish on their part. Anyways... I have done damage again to my ankle while dancing, AGAIN! It hurts super bad and is difficult to walk on. After the competition, we move onto practice #2! Yes, I had a two hour practice and was quite difficult considering I wore a high top gym shoe for an ankle brace, I'm quite creative! (:
Dance was over, thank goodness, and we were going to take my friend Kelsey home. I told my mother about my injury, and she was not pleased, but thought partying would make me happier. After all, I was not going to make dinner by myself, so why not enjoy the chili cook-off at the party?
Now this is were the good part comes in....
My mom was driving down the street that the party was, and could not really remember which house it was. Anyone want to guess what we did? So, we pull into the driveway and park the car, and go in through the garage. My mom noticed a sign that was not there before saying, "Wet shoes here please!" but my mom decided we could keep them on anyways. Good thing we did... I open the door leading to the house and I hear this loud barking, and my mom goes "Oh don't worry, its just their little dog!" BOY OH BOY WAS SHE WRONG! The dog came to the door, and it was a pitbull! (sorry if it is spelled wrong!) My mom was curious, but decides we should still proceed... and when we walk in she notices the kitchen was a little different! Well, there is no possible way for this family to redecorate their kitchen in the 45 minutes she was gone.
Any guesses yet?!?! So we're in the kitchen, and everyone else is in the living room glued to the television. My not-so-smart mother says, "OH MY GOSH! This is the wrong house!" She is a pure genius that mother of mine is, how did she get a job as a teacher?! Hahaha, anyways I'm freaking out, trying to run to the van with a hurt ankle, and am yelling,"Run before they press charges and we get arrested!" My mom could not stop giggling to save her life, but we made it to the car and booked out of there!
This picture sums up my feelings at this point...
This picture was taken about an hour before we met Carson. (:
Finally, we reached our destination. The correct house with all our friends from church and the delicious free dinner sitting there waiting for me to consume it. After my mom told the story 15 times or so, she wanted to make sure that it didn't get to her Sunday school teacher/close family friend Chris, probably because he would mock her to death, but hey, that is why I got a blog. To tell the stories of my mother to save her from the humiliation on her blog.
So there you go Chris, feel free to share next Sunday with the whole class!
And tomorrow I go back to school... it is a sad thing. But hey, I had a six day weekend, so maybe I should go get a few days of education in me before my brain turns into mush! (:
Dedicated to Chris Anderson (:
So, as you all know, it is Super Bowl Sunday! And usually, there are parties where the men yell at the television, the women talk about everything, and the children destroy the house. You all know what I'm talking about, right?
Well, today I had to start the day off with a 'mock competition' with my dance team. You go in the room, dance in full costume, and get judged by your teachers. Did I mention you had to PAY to dance in front of the teachers you dance for every week? Yes, it is bologna and selfish on their part. Anyways... I have done damage again to my ankle while dancing, AGAIN! It hurts super bad and is difficult to walk on. After the competition, we move onto practice #2! Yes, I had a two hour practice and was quite difficult considering I wore a high top gym shoe for an ankle brace, I'm quite creative! (:
Dance was over, thank goodness, and we were going to take my friend Kelsey home. I told my mother about my injury, and she was not pleased, but thought partying would make me happier. After all, I was not going to make dinner by myself, so why not enjoy the chili cook-off at the party?
Now this is were the good part comes in....
My mom was driving down the street that the party was, and could not really remember which house it was. Anyone want to guess what we did? So, we pull into the driveway and park the car, and go in through the garage. My mom noticed a sign that was not there before saying, "Wet shoes here please!" but my mom decided we could keep them on anyways. Good thing we did... I open the door leading to the house and I hear this loud barking, and my mom goes "Oh don't worry, its just their little dog!" BOY OH BOY WAS SHE WRONG! The dog came to the door, and it was a pitbull! (sorry if it is spelled wrong!) My mom was curious, but decides we should still proceed... and when we walk in she notices the kitchen was a little different! Well, there is no possible way for this family to redecorate their kitchen in the 45 minutes she was gone.
Any guesses yet?!?! So we're in the kitchen, and everyone else is in the living room glued to the television. My not-so-smart mother says, "OH MY GOSH! This is the wrong house!" She is a pure genius that mother of mine is, how did she get a job as a teacher?! Hahaha, anyways I'm freaking out, trying to run to the van with a hurt ankle, and am yelling,"Run before they press charges and we get arrested!" My mom could not stop giggling to save her life, but we made it to the car and booked out of there!
This picture sums up my feelings at this point...
Finally, we reached our destination. The correct house with all our friends from church and the delicious free dinner sitting there waiting for me to consume it. After my mom told the story 15 times or so, she wanted to make sure that it didn't get to her Sunday school teacher/close family friend Chris, probably because he would mock her to death, but hey, that is why I got a blog. To tell the stories of my mother to save her from the humiliation on her blog.
So there you go Chris, feel free to share next Sunday with the whole class!
And tomorrow I go back to school... it is a sad thing. But hey, I had a six day weekend, so maybe I should go get a few days of education in me before my brain turns into mush! (:
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The good news is, I want to thank you all SO much for all of the support for my blog. I'm starting to love the blog world more than Facebook and Myspace! Haha, my mom is so excited when I get comments and followers. Soon, I think she'll get upset due to the fact people love my blog more than hers! (; After all, I am the excellent blogger of the family.
The bad and ugly news time! Remember my whole art project with the pictures and map of China? Well it was a difficult process, my teacher ruined it like two times but thank goodness for my best friend Abbey who left her studyhall to come help me! (Thanks Abs!) We FINALLY had the map painted red and the Chinese writing all over and the bell rang so we decided to put the pictures on the next day. When I got to fifth period, my map was not on the wall so I figured my teacher had taken it down once it dried. That was not the case... apparently the map was thrown away by a student or a custodian. The pictures were safe, thank goodness! But I still had to project the map onto the wall, paint it, yada yada yada.... and now the pictures were able to be put on!
Well... I came to school the next day to see that my project had been vandalized, along with another girls project who had to deal with those from different countries seeing what they missed. It was an amazing project, and she had put a lot of effort into it, I'm talking interviews, meetings, after school work, you get the point? Haha, anyways my teacher was so upset about our projects, especially mine after all the effort I had put into it. My entire class even took time to help with all of the pictures by cutting them out! I was so upset after I had re-done the project three times possibly?
I was so worried about all that had happened, I mean who in the world would feel obligated to destroy TWO art projects?! Obviously a racist person. I cannot tell you how many had come up and questioned me about my project. I was more than willing to answer, was it offensive in any way? I had all of these questions running through my head, especially what was going to happen to my grade? No fears... my group and I recieved a 100%
To all the parents who sent me pictures, know that your childrens' privacy was not violated! I only put their little adorable faces on there, no names or anything! Please do not worry, you and your families are safe. I appreciate all the pictures I got and am SO SORRY my project got ruined.
So there is your weekend dose of the good, the bad, and the ugly!
The good news is, I want to thank you all SO much for all of the support for my blog. I'm starting to love the blog world more than Facebook and Myspace! Haha, my mom is so excited when I get comments and followers. Soon, I think she'll get upset due to the fact people love my blog more than hers! (; After all, I am the excellent blogger of the family.
The bad and ugly news time! Remember my whole art project with the pictures and map of China? Well it was a difficult process, my teacher ruined it like two times but thank goodness for my best friend Abbey who left her studyhall to come help me! (Thanks Abs!) We FINALLY had the map painted red and the Chinese writing all over and the bell rang so we decided to put the pictures on the next day. When I got to fifth period, my map was not on the wall so I figured my teacher had taken it down once it dried. That was not the case... apparently the map was thrown away by a student or a custodian. The pictures were safe, thank goodness! But I still had to project the map onto the wall, paint it, yada yada yada.... and now the pictures were able to be put on!
Well... I came to school the next day to see that my project had been vandalized, along with another girls project who had to deal with those from different countries seeing what they missed. It was an amazing project, and she had put a lot of effort into it, I'm talking interviews, meetings, after school work, you get the point? Haha, anyways my teacher was so upset about our projects, especially mine after all the effort I had put into it. My entire class even took time to help with all of the pictures by cutting them out! I was so upset after I had re-done the project three times possibly?
I was so worried about all that had happened, I mean who in the world would feel obligated to destroy TWO art projects?! Obviously a racist person. I cannot tell you how many had come up and questioned me about my project. I was more than willing to answer, was it offensive in any way? I had all of these questions running through my head, especially what was going to happen to my grade? No fears... my group and I recieved a 100%
To all the parents who sent me pictures, know that your childrens' privacy was not violated! I only put their little adorable faces on there, no names or anything! Please do not worry, you and your families are safe. I appreciate all the pictures I got and am SO SORRY my project got ruined.
So there is your weekend dose of the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Friday, January 30, 2009
My First Post!
Since my mom has a blog, I figured I'd start one as well! I'm not sure how many, if any will read this blog, but this will just show life through the eyes of The Teenager. Exciting, I know! Hope you enjoy my writings...
About me, well for starters, I'm Meggie. I am fifteen, almost sixteen, and DEATHLY afraid of driving. I'm sure many of you have seen my mother beg for prayers because we need them! I'm a sophomore in high school, and I absolutely hate it. I realize the word 'hate' is a strong word, but it describes it perfectly. For all those that say high school is the best four years of your life, I have to disagree. I have a handful of people who I actually consider to be my friends, the others are just fake. I am 100% truthful, and I have come to notice people do not always like the truth, but I tell it how it is. I'm a competitive dancer and am always, and I mean ALWAYS, at the studio. Along with the dance portion, I am also a dance assistant, its not the best paying job but it is fun. (:
Lets see... I love my family to pieces! I'm not kidding, most teenagers want to get away from their family, and move out of the house as soon as possible! Me, on the other hand, I refuse to go away to college for many reasons. One, because my mom will not let me, I would not be able to stay away from my family that long, and I want to be a part of my siblings lives since there is such an age difference. I never leave my house, Friday nights are basically family nights and I love it. My brother Carson has changed my life, tremendously! He was the one who changed me being an only child (which I miss at times...) and brought all the laughter into the house! He is a crack up and my favorite five year old, EVER! My little sister, Molly Jayne, is currently in China waiting for us. (: I think about her everyday, when I'm home alone I go into her room and sit on her bed and just imagine how life will be with her. I cannot wait for her to join our family!
I think I've covered most of my life and interests in this post. But, have no fear, I will post soon! (: Have a great weekend!
Since my mom has a blog, I figured I'd start one as well! I'm not sure how many, if any will read this blog, but this will just show life through the eyes of The Teenager. Exciting, I know! Hope you enjoy my writings...
About me, well for starters, I'm Meggie. I am fifteen, almost sixteen, and DEATHLY afraid of driving. I'm sure many of you have seen my mother beg for prayers because we need them! I'm a sophomore in high school, and I absolutely hate it. I realize the word 'hate' is a strong word, but it describes it perfectly. For all those that say high school is the best four years of your life, I have to disagree. I have a handful of people who I actually consider to be my friends, the others are just fake. I am 100% truthful, and I have come to notice people do not always like the truth, but I tell it how it is. I'm a competitive dancer and am always, and I mean ALWAYS, at the studio. Along with the dance portion, I am also a dance assistant, its not the best paying job but it is fun. (:
Lets see... I love my family to pieces! I'm not kidding, most teenagers want to get away from their family, and move out of the house as soon as possible! Me, on the other hand, I refuse to go away to college for many reasons. One, because my mom will not let me, I would not be able to stay away from my family that long, and I want to be a part of my siblings lives since there is such an age difference. I never leave my house, Friday nights are basically family nights and I love it. My brother Carson has changed my life, tremendously! He was the one who changed me being an only child (which I miss at times...) and brought all the laughter into the house! He is a crack up and my favorite five year old, EVER! My little sister, Molly Jayne, is currently in China waiting for us. (: I think about her everyday, when I'm home alone I go into her room and sit on her bed and just imagine how life will be with her. I cannot wait for her to join our family!
I think I've covered most of my life and interests in this post. But, have no fear, I will post soon! (: Have a great weekend!
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