Oh Mother...
My poor mother is living up to her becoming an old lady...
So today we went to Target, because we haven't been there in almost a week! Gasp! Anyways, we were going there because I needed some 'retail therapy' and my poor brother needs clothes. He has none due to my cleaning of his closet yesterday!(:
So, we go to the toddler section and look around, nothing is really calling out to us. But we did get Molly two more dresses, a cute shirt, and the matching jacket to a pair of pants we already bought. I need help, I cannot go somewhere without shopping for my dear sister.
Getting to the point! So we walk around some more, run into some old friends, and find some 100 calorie snacks. We walk back and get something, and head to the check out. We passed the snacks again, and this happens....
"Mom, should we get another box?"
"Why? Did we eat them all?"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! We picked up the first box like ten minutes before, how did I have time to eat all of those? My poor mother, she is in pain from her 'Nemo fin' as I call it, and she claims she was "delirious!" Yeah right, we all know the truth, right? (;
Oh, my dear sweet Meggie...
Had I know that the TRUE purpose of your blog was to humiliate your dear ole' Mom in front of the blog-reading millions...well, I would have NEVER encouraged you to start one!! Not sure my ego can handle all this...
Mom =)
P.S. We still need to shop for your brother. What is he going to wear now that you've cleaned out all the clothes that don't fit him anymore???
Instead of Target, you should hit Once Upon a Child....They only take the really cute boy stuff. Sometimes I'm tempted to buy them for Sophie because they are so cute!! And he can sport his Tommy and Ralph logos....Love to initiate you guys...
Hee hee! What else are moms for, right? Wait, I am a mom!
Well, Katie de-friended me on Facebook tonight. Couldn't handle my being her friend in public. But then made me promise to not blog about it.
I never said I wouldn't.....
Meggie, my child have taught me that its a child's DUTY to tell stories about their mother-- just make sure they're not ALL embarrassing. 'Cause you know what they say about paybacks....
And Kristin, Katie defriended you??? Are you just going to take that???
Hey, this might be random but my boyfriends mom who has adopted 3 little girls from China saw your blog and recommended it to me. I'm kind of addicted to adoption blogs :). I've really enjoyed reading yours so far. It was good to see that theres other girls out there around my age blogging. I really liked your post about buying stuff for your little sister.I love buying stuff for my boyfriends little sisters. They look so cute in their dress up clothes and bows.
I've only been blogging for about a month but I'm hooked like you.
Katy -
We are very similar, I think anyways! I too love adoption blogs and can't wait to adopt some of my own some day. I'm glad that you found my blog!
I tried commenting on yours, but it wasn't working, sorry!
Meggie, I have an award for you on my blog. Oh, and thanks for sitting by me!
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