Friday, April 3, 2009


Well as of now, I'm on SPRING BREAK! Woo-hoo! I made it through the week full of exams and stress and now have a week off to enjoy. Although all my friends are away to the sunny states, I'm stuck here in the cold, rainy state. I hate living in the Midwest sometimes. Haha (:

And.... 3 MORE WEEKS TIL DISNEY! Yahoo! (:


Teresa =) said...

But just think, if we lived in Florida you'd be bummed that you're stuck in the house all week cleaning out your closet and organizing your room. Might as well be busy since the weather stinks.

Enjoy your spring break, my darling daughter!

Mom =)

Denise Grover Swank said...

Meggie, you could come spend Spring Break with me! I'll take you to some fun places in Kansas City!

Debbie said...

And my company's corporate offices are in KC...I could work from there and be your ride....


Donna said...

Come on down and visit us in Florida :) Our spring break has also been this week, and I'm bummed it's almost over! Oh well...